Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sporty weekend

The weather was fantastic this weekend and we spent most of it outdoors watching the girls in their various sports activities. The 13 year old had 2 lacrosse games and one soccer game this weekend. It's amazing to see how much she's improved over the past few years. I remember when she first started playing soccer she was more interested in the dandelion on the field or the plane overhead than the ball in play. Now, she's the starting center-mid and so focused and physical. It's been three years since she's been playing lacrosse, and that first year she ran around the field with her stick but was so wary of getting near the ball lest she get whacked with a stick. Now, she's in the middle of the action, stick poised, not afraid. I love the process of it all!

The 8 year old and I happened to watch a track meet recently and she's decided she wants to be a runner when she grows up. Not wanted to quash her dreams, I found a local track club and she had her first day running relays and laps at the Stanford track today, loving the feel of the runner's high. She can't wait until next week and is trying to run around in all the shoes she owns to see which ones will be fastest for next week's run.

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